Training for Young Professionals

In addition to my core presentations for both young professionals and leadership teams, the Stand Out! curriculum contains 10 individual one-hour workshop style training modules.

Modules do not need to be completed in order and can be mixed and matched into a personalized training experience that reflects the priorities of your organization. To inquire about having me speak to your young professionals or leadership team, please contact me here.

Stand Out! Curriculum for Young Professionals

Ownership – You’re the Boss of You (Session #1)

  • Objective: Take responsibility for personal and professional choices

Mindset – Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself (Session #2)

  • Objective: Cultivate a winning attitude, recognize entitlement and comparison traps

Identity – Know Thyself (Session #3)

  • Objective: Identify and utilize personal passion, strengths, personality tendencies and develop personal brand of service

Clarity – You Can’t Have a Successful Career if You Don’t Know What You Want (Session #4)

  • Objective: Identify career interests and ideal roles to maximize contribution and sense of accomplishment

Discovery – 8 Myths of Finding Your Dream Job (Session #5)

  • Objective: Develop realistic expectations for directing career in a positive direction

Growth – If You’re Not Learning, You’re Petrifying (Session #6)

  • Objective: Recognize learning opportunities and build a comprehensive growth plan to enhance contribution to organization

Engagement – Engage Yourself with Your Organization (Session #7)

  • Objective: Recognize engagement investment from the organization and take initiative to increase engagement for self and others

Team Focus – We Before Me (Session #8)

  • Objective: Pursue success as a team and work toward the professional achievement of others

Career Savvy – Be the Young Professional Employee Every Organization Wants (Session #9)

  • Objective: Develop a positive and mature professional reputation by contributing the most value to the organization

Leadership – What to Do When You (Finally) Get Put in Charge (Session #10)

  • Objective: Plan and prepare for leadership success before opportunity comes