I’d Love to Speak to Your Team!

I’ve had the privilege of presenting to thousands of leaders over the years, at conferences, corporate leadership events, board meetings and webinars. I would love to speak to your organization, group, or team as well, either in-person (keynote or workshop style) or virtually.

Here are a few of my most popular topics:

  • Engaging & Retaining Top Talent in the New Era
  • Leading with Resilience
  • Acing Accountability with Clarity and Class
  • Empowering Exceptional Career Management

I can also create a custom presentation from our Leadership-in-a-Box® program content library based on your group’s individual needs.

Leaders who attend my highly interactive presentations tend to comment on how relevant and practical it is to their work with actions they can take to drive higher performance immediately!

Click here to submit a speaking inquiry, or you may contact me directly at nathan@nathanmagnuson.com.

Leader Reactions

“We all have pressure moments in our careers. My latest was hosting my first Board of Director’s Strategic Planning event. In building the agenda for the day, I knew that I needed to open the event with a guest speaker who could make the Board feel at ease, open channels of communication and level set the expectations for the day. I could not have selected a better person than Nathan Magnuson for that role. Nathan led the group through his presentation with humor and ability to evaluate the participants’ engagement to foster open, transparent communication, build teamwork and center the group towards envisioning our organization’s future.

If you need someone to provide support to your team or organization in teambuilding, organizational development or coaching, I highly recommend Nathan.” – Robert

“Your presentation was a fantastic reminder that as a leader, I influence (and control) many of the drivers that keep my team engaged.” – Jennie

“I had some takeaways that will help me almost immediately in my new role.” – Zoë

“Your presentation really, really helped me.” – Shawn

One leader created an elaborate mind map at a recent presentation on engagement!