Most people begin the new year with a new set of goals or resolutions.
What is one of your professional goals for the new year? Personal?
Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
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Nathan Magnuson is a leadership consultant, coach, trainer and thought leader. Receive his ebook Trusted Leadership Advisor by subscribing to his website or follow him on Twitter.
Professional – to make an extra $12,000 in a side business I’m launching. Personal – I honestly don’t have any true goals but a bunch of habits I want to start and/or maintain.
How about yourself?
That’s a huge goal! What’s the business? Good luck!
Freelance writing, print design, graphic design, etc. I actually do that professionally anyway, so it’s mainly just starting a freelance arm on the side.
That’s excellent – I’m a big fan of side businesses and wish you well!
My resolutions this year a things like “spend more time with family” or “spend less time on twitter”.
I think your “twitter family” will survive with less of you, Caleb – good luck!
Great goal Caleb.
Professionally, I have a goal to post fresh content on this site each week in 2013, and also to make some aesthetic upgrades. Personally, one of my goals is to step up my cooking game!
Professionally – grow my side career coaching business. Personal…lose 52lbs in 2013, one per week. Get me down to my fighting weight!
Wow, great goals, Tom! I hope you are able to help many folks find great new jobs and attain the level of health you are shooting for! Thanks for commenting.
Do you fight Tom?
Nope…I guess that was a misleading comment!
A professional goal of mine is to land a book publishing deal. A personal goal is to get our (family) finances in order. Thanks for sharing, Nathan, and have a great 2013!
That’d be huge! Have you checked out the ReWrite Conference? I went last year and it was great. Biggest takeaway was to put my effort to this blog first, but lots of other writers (and aspiring writers) said it was the best conference they’d been to of that sort
I checked and their site is down because they are getting ready for this year or something.
As for your takeaway, I received the same advice from an expert in the publishing industry, basically to focus on my blog.
My focus this year is to grow my platform through doing one guest post a week and giving my book away for free to email subscribers.
Here’s the Facebook page: They’re also on Twitter. I got to meet Dan Black at the first one in San Diego last year.
One guest post a week is a lot! My blogging goals for the new year are to continue to post one new post a week on Mondays, and to write (and solicit) occasional guest posts as well. If you find you are looking for a new platform, my site is available 🙂
Dan is a friend of mine and a great guy.
As for my guest posting, I moved from posting twice a week on my blog to once a week. So now, I’ll still be writing two posts a week but one will be on someone else’s blog. I also post a link to the guest post on my site, so in some ways, it’s still like i’m posting twice a week. I would encourage you to consider doing one guest post a month. We could swop posts if you’re interested.
Glad to be friends with both of you. I looking forward to building and nourishing our friendships even more this year.
You’re right, one guest post a month would be a great goal for me. I’ll let you know if I come up with something good. Btw, I love your site layout. It’s real similar to mine with with a banner and like the crisp lines on your side menu.
Sounds good. I’ll direct message you on Twitter about guest posting. And thank you for the kind words about my site! Ours are really similar.
Great question. I plan on increasing my communication skills. I know it would benefit every area of my life.
Outstanding, I saw that you attended a Toastmasters club recently. I hope that went well. I visited one this week after a couple years off and would like to get back into it. Toastmasters my leadership coaching courses were the best communication training I’ve gotten.
I traded in my “resolutions” for pursuits this year.
Here are my top 4 pursuits for the New Year!
Pursue God through deep personal Bible study
Pursue family by spending quality time with them
Pursue others by investing in real life relationships
Pursue Jesus by telling people about his love and forgiveness
Can’t go wrong with those, Caleb, thanks for sharing.
Sorry for the late entry. Professionally I would like to add at least 3 more long-term customer relationships that are a good fit for my strengths. Personally I would like to be more intentional about: 1) connecting with my children (especially having fun with them) and 2) investing in my childrens’ passions and giftings.
Thanks for the comment, Joe. Love the emphasis on fun 🙂