Everyone has development experiences throughout their life and career outside of formal training programs (school, professional certifications, etc.) that impact the way they perform as a person, professional, and a leader.
What’s one of the richest leadership development experiences you’ve ever had and how has it helped shape your leadership ability?
Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
View the rest of the Powerful Questions series by clicking here.
Nathan Magnuson is a leadership consultant, coach, trainer and thought leader. Receive his ebook Trusted Leadership Advisor by subscribing to his website or follow him on Twitter.
I spent most of 2008 deployed in Iraq with the Army. It was extremely developmental for a lot of reasons, but I think the biggest thing I got out of it was to not always look at success as getting an A+. Sometimes a passing grade is good enough. Now instead of trying to hit home runs on every single project I’m a part of, I try to pick and choose my big battles based on personal and organizational priorities.
Without question, one of my richest experiences has been starting my own company. I knew it would be a challenge, but I could never have imagined all the things I would learn along the way. I would say one of the key lessons learned has been to be a great listener when meeting with prospects or clients. The better I understand and show care for their needs, the more trust I build, the better I can decide whether or not to pursue the opportunity and ultimately the better I will deliver an effective solution.
You’re a true professional, Joe. So glad I’ve gotten to pick up on some of the things you’ve figured out these last several years.
Adopting our son, hands down. I am amazed how kids become a mirror to show our own shortcomings.
That does sound like a big deal, Tom
Probably when I first heard John Maxwell teach on leadership. That’s when my passion for leadership and personal growth started.
I’ve heard you say that before, Dan. Are you a John Maxwell coach or facilitator?
Nope, I have thought about becoming one though.