This year I’m thrilled to invite you to consider writing for my blog so that others may benefit from your insights on leadership. You’ll find more details below.
The content posted on the Everyday Leadership site should be designed to help everyday people succeed in the hundreds of leadership situations they regularly (or not so regularly) encounter. Posts that demonstrate how to accomplish a challenging task or how to think about a leadership idea or situation are appropriate. Personal stories and illustrations are usually a very appealing way to make a point. Allusions to faith may be appropriate, but as my readers come from many different countries and faith backgrounds, please be careful to write for all creeds. Nothing churchy or preachy. The best posts are ones that apply to leaders in all organizational contexts (e.g. business, government, education, non-profit, etc.), although if you have a specialty in one sector or with a certain subject matter or group of people that you want to address, that is appropriate as well, especially if everyone can benefit from the insight.
- Your post must be original and not a previous submission elsewhere on the web or in print, and you must agree not to publish it elsewhere, including on your website, although you may post a preview on your site that links to this post.
- Word count for all submissions should be 350-600 words.
- Posts must be easily scannable; no block texts. Having 3-5 points to share is an effective method.
- If your post is featured on this site, please interact with the readers by replying to their comments.
- Your submission should be ready to publish as-is, however, I may copyedit for small changes (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.). If I make any substantive content changes, I will contact you for approval before posting.
- I will also introduce you as a guest writer at the beginning of the post. To allow my readers to connect with you, please include appropriate contact information (i.e. your website/blog and social network address).
- Writing is hard work and I appreciate your investment in writing a submission for my site. However, I reserve the right not to post any content that in my sole judgment does not meet add significant value to this site or to my readers, is redundant to something that is already posted or scheduled, or for any other reason.
- If I decline to post your submission, I will contact you. In that case, you are obviously free to post either on your own site or anywhere else.
- Please send any submissions to my email address You may include them in the body of the email or as attachments.
- Please include a short 2-3 sentence summary of the post along with the word count.
- Please include a 1-2 sentence byline to share what you do and how readers can connect with you (i.e. your website and social network).
- I will respond within two weeks to let you know if and when I’d like to post your submission.
- Everyday Sales Leadership: Stop, Collaborate and Listen by Jess Titchener
- 5 Thoughts on Becoming a Leader by Drew Tewell
- Love Your Neighbor: The Heart of Leadership in the Marine Corps by Cale Magnuson
Thank you once again for your consideration. I’m excited to see all the ideas you have to share!